Accessible files
Here you can find all the files that can be edited in the escrow version.
Config = {}
-- Configuration for leveling up system and job settings
Config.Main = {
Debug = false, -- Enable debug mode for developers
Framework = 'qb-core', -- Specify the framework being used (e.g., 'qb-core')
Basesalary = 200, -- Base salary when player levels up; salary multiplies by current level
DefaultRoutesCount = 4, -- Default number of routes displayed on UI
DefaultXp = 10, -- Amount of XP given after completing a route
Deposit = 100, -- Deposit amount for vehicle when player starts a new job
BoxZoneSize = 60, -- Size of the box zone to check if player is near the location
Npc = 's_m_m_dockwork_01', -- NPC model name
Npcanim = { -- Animation settings for NPC
name = 'idle_b',
dic = 'amb@code_human_police_investigate@idle_a'
TargetName = 'qb-target' -- Target name
-- Main locations
Config.MainLocations = {
Job = vec4(152.55, -3216.4, 5.9224, 58.7379), -- Job location
TruckSpawn = vec4(144.48, -3203.96, 5.83, 270.15) -- Truck spawn location
-- Job vehicles
Config.JobVehicles = {
vehiclename = 'Boxville', -- The name displayed for the vehicle
vehiclemodel = 'boxville2', -- The spawn code of the vehicle
image = '', -- Image representation of the vehicle (if available)
requiredlevel = 1 -- The minimum level required to access this vehicle
vehiclename = 'Mule',
vehiclemodel = 'mule2',
image = '',
requiredlevel = 2
vehiclename = 'Rumpo',
vehiclemodel = 'rumpo2',
image = '',
requiredlevel = 3
vehiclename = 'Pony',
vehiclemodel = 'pony',
image = '',
requiredlevel = 4
vehiclename = 'Benson',
vehiclemodel = 'benson',
image = '',
requiredlevel = 6
-- You can add more vehicles below following the same structure
-- Rotues locations
Config.RoutesLocations = { -- First Confg.DefaultRoutesCount are default locations that displayed on the job mene
Custom = { -- You can add any amount of locations here
Pickup = { -- Custom pickup locations
vec4(132.66, -3111.52, 5.9, 319.62),
vec4(116.0271, -2981.9692, 6.0164, 93.8818),
vec4(131.7200, -3080.8958, 5.8963, 178.7),
vec4(145.61, -3076.03, 5.9, 178.7),
vec4(162.72, -2930.66, 6.0, 284.19),
vec4(159.13, -2871.32, 7.24, 274.24),
vec4(1218.6489, -3235.5708, 5.5288, 2.9895),
vec4(1009.7754, -2892.4680, 11.2601, 174.6065),
vec4(1229.1085, -2999.7224, 9.3193, 90.7288),
vec4(1197.2217, -3252.3760, 7.0952, 90.1613),
vec4(1209.3571, -3331.5930, 6.0288, 168.3151),
vec4(1244.7152, -3240.8279, 6.0288, 287.4425),
vec4(1179.2863, -3316.3088, 6.0288, 138.3384),
vec4(1242.8745, -3282.2004, 6.0288, 292.9735),
vec4(1239.3325, -3173.9116, 7.1049, 291.4469),
vec4(1224.8906, -3105.9565, 6.0280, 358.9158),
vec4(1247.2909, -3122.0869, 6.0284, 185.9335),
vec4(1230.6680, -2910.0261, 9.3193, 92.2997),
vec4(-106.3983, -2638.7156, 6.0478, 186.4708),
vec4(46.5556, -2706.6931, 6.0030, 1.6640),
Delivery = { -- You can add any amount of locations here
vec4(481.56, -1737.19, 29.15, 159.98),
vec4(-88.6963, 6493.7466, 32.1007, 232.6438),
vec4(151.12, -1822.88, 27.49, 43.61),
vec4(-111.44, -1594.61, 32.0, 234.45),
vec4(-1168.84, -2022.06, 13.16, 135.52),
vec4(-583.8513, 195.2310, 71.4421, 86.33),
vec4(15.1934, -1032.5333, 29.3466, 155.92),
vec4(1241.89, -396.17, 69.08, 3.06),
vec4(1664.29, 2.61, 173.78, 129.87),
vec4(1564.58, 869.71, 77.51, 32.61),
vec4(796.56, 564.19, 125.92, 319.16),
vec4(284.36, 943.8, 210.89, 358.46),
vec4(200.76, 1248.92, 225.46, 216.76),
vec4(2572.9744, 464.3327, 108.6387, 179.9230),
vec4(-2963.4468, 432.4125, 15.2777, 118.3108),
vec4(-439.9847, 1596.8065, 358.4680, 224.5096),
vec4(-45.8880, 1884.1738, 195.5267, 149.5207),
vec4(1658.1093, 4840.8286, 42.0322, 278.3586),
vec4(918.5499, 3655.0923, 32.4771, 3.9190),
vec4(331.09, -2020.19, 21.73, 137.73),
-- Properties for the box carried by the player
Config.PedBoxProp = {
["animDict"] = "anim@heists@box_carry@",
["animName"] = "idle",
["model"] = "hei_prop_heist_box",
["bone"] = 60309,
["x"] = 0.025,
["y"] = 0.08,
["z"] = 0.255,
["xR"] = -145.0,
["yR"] = 290.0,
["zR"] = 0.0,
-- Language configurations
Config.Lang = {
blipname = 'Los Santos Trucker',
depositcash = ''..Config.Main.Deposit..' Deposit paid with cash for vehicle',
depositbank = ''..Config.Main.Deposit..' Deposit paid from bank for vehicle',
depositrequired = ''..Config.Main.Deposit..' Deposit required for vehicle',
depositreturn = ''..Config.Main.Deposit..' Deposit paid for returning vehicle',
earnxp = 'You have earned xp',
errorMessages = {
noNewRoutes = 'There are no new routes...',
alreadyOnJob = 'You are already on a job.',
vehicleDestroyed = 'Your vehicle has been destroyed.',
notRightVehicle = 'Not in the right vehicle.',
tooFarFromPickup = 'Too far from pickup location.',
loadCargo = 'Please load the cargo onto the vehicle.',
getOutVehicle = 'Please get out from the vehicle.',
tooFarFromDeliver = 'You are too far from the delivery location.',
pickupCargo = 'You need to pick up cargo from the vehicle.',
vehicleNotValid = 'Your vehicle is not near or not valid.'
successMessages = {
proceedDeliverNPC = 'Please proceed to deliver the cargo to the NPC.',
proceedToDestination = 'Your delivery destination awaits. Please proceed to the specified location.',
getPkgFromNPC = 'Go to the location and get package from NPC.',
cargoDelivered = 'You have successfully delivered the cargo.',
headOverToLoadCargo = 'Head over to the vehicle to load the cargo box.',
returnVehicle = 'Please return the vehicle to the location.',
returnVehicleSuccess = 'You have successfully returned the vehicle.',
newPayment = 'You have earned $'
targetMessages = {
openJob = 'Open Trucker Job',
unLoadPkg = 'Unload the cargo box',
LoadPkg = 'Load cargo box to vehicle'
local QBCore = exports[Config.Main.Framework]:GetCoreObject()
-- Function to notify the trucker
function truckerNotify(text, type)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, type)
-- Function to set a vehicle fuel
function setTruckFuel(vehcle)
exports['LegacyFuel']:SetFuel(vehcle, 100.0) -- you can add any fuel script you want.
-- Function to give keys to a vehicle
function giveKeys(vehplate)
TriggerEvent("vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner", vehplate)
-- Function to add a target entity for interaction
function AddTarget(entity, targettype, targeevent, targeicon, targelabel)
exports[Config.Main.TargetName]:AddTargetEntity(entity, {
options = {
type = targettype,
event = targeevent,
icon = targeicon,
label = targelabel,
distance = 3.0
-- Function to remove a target entity
function RemoveTarget(entity)
-- Function to display a progress bar for a task
function progress(name, callback)
local ped = PlayerPedId()
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar("work_dropbox", name, 2000, false, true, {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
}, {}, {}, {}, function()
StopAnimTask(ped, "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", "hotwire", 1.0)
end, function()
truckerNotify('cancelled', "error")
StopAnimTask(ped, "anim@gangops@facility@servers@", "hotwire", 1.0)